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Since a young girl, Jude White has had a love affair with the Australian landscape. She grew up in the bushlands of Eastern Victoria and then spread her wings to Art School in Melbourne, then onto becoming a local community Artist.


In 1992 White was awarded a grant from the Australia Council to travel to the Northern Territory on an inspirational journey where her passion for the desert land was ignited! 


 Today, White is a screen-printer and workshop facilitator for highly reputable Indigenous Art Centres in remote areas of Australia. White also hosts workshops in her home studio. 


Currently living, mothering and practicing in Northern NSW, on Bundjalung country, Whites' works reflect the colours, shapes and textures of varying landscapes. Her mediums are drawing, painting, botanical dyeing, printmaking, collage and cloth.


White is deeply troubled by the issues of climate change, human impact and the loss of our wild places. She invokes a deep devotion to Sacred Country through her works and inspires others to appreciate and care for it. 


Jude White has been teaching and facilitating workshops for over over 30 years; working predominantly with Cultural Art Centres. 
Whites' passion is traveling to remote communities and facilitating workshops with Indigenous & non--Indigenous CALD communities.


White has a home studio space in the Northern Rivers of NSW to host workshops on Bundjalung Country. 

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Contact Anchor


​Any enquiries regarding work-shops,

commissions, quotes, teaching 
rates (or just to say hi!)

please complete the contact form. 

I look forward to hearing from you!

0408 663 870



I acknowledge the beautiful Bundjalung people of the country I live and work.

I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of all the places and communities in which I work. I pay my respect to Elders past, present and emerging.

My work celebrates the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders of all communities, who also work and live on this land.

Permission and consent has been sort for all photographs and content on this website that depict Indigenous Australians and their artwork.


I acknowledge my white privilege and I am mindful of the white colonial lens, in which I was raised.

I strive to understand and work in ways that are culturally sensitive and address 'white blindness'.
I am deeply grateful for my opportunities to work, learn and form relationships with Indigenous artists.


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